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Final Reflection

I want to start by saying that I enjoyed this class very much. I always looked forward to this class because of the calm atmosphere that it had and interesting topics we discussed. Dr. Wenzel’s sarcastic humor and playful personality was always appreciated after a long day of boring classes. As enjoyable as the class was, we were there to learn of course, and I would say that my growth as a writer came from the exposure to different genres that I was introduced to in this class. I had never been asked to write a poem before or consider that I could take inspiration from a YouTube video and incorporate what I learned from it in my writing. However, what makes this class so unique, is that you also grow as a person.

Dr. Wenzel asks you three main questions in this class, “Where are you from?”, “Where are you now?” and “Where are we going?”. By having to write about these topics, one takes time for introspection and personal growth. For me, and for most people, asking where I was from led directly to where I was going. I come from a somewhat dysfunctional family, and that has had a large impact on me today. It is one of the reasons that I have found religion in college and have started pursuing a path of faith. My Part 3/Final Campaign was a blog on the trends of modern churches and a flier helping to connect people to local churches in the area. By looking at my past, I recognized where some of my future interests and goals came from, which also inspires me to continue with the journey I find myself in.

This class helped me to recognize the future-past connection, which I find this to be the most important take-away from this class. I would recommend English 10803 to anyone looking to improve as a writer and grow as a person. Thank you Dr. Wenzel for such a great semester, and I’ll be looking to take more of your classes in the future!

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